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September 07, 2014


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SandraandAlan Mason

Such a sad day, so glad I got to meet you (even though you made me cry!!!) Love all my Nic layouts, look at them with fond memories.
Enjoy your new journey, one day we will catchup again *Love*

Mandy Pearl Maple

Good Luck on your new adventures Nic
Thanks for your part in making papercrafting what it is in this part of the world
Looking forward to that chat in a bar sometime


Oh Nic, so sad to hear. I haven't done an scrapbooking for over a year just due to circumstances, moving stuff being packed away etc but although it will always be there in the background I can't imagine saying 'NEVER" especially when I've invested thousands of dollars into product as I can imagine you would have too!!......lol. It is interesting though because I have had many passions or hobbies over my lifetime and sometimes when you get a passion for something else, it's easier to leave another one behind and maybe that's your journey. You've been a great inspiration in my life when it comes to scrapbooking and I still love your book. Thanks for making NZ Scrapbooking what it is today! :)

Gela Kinney

So enjoyed the classes you taught at Big Picture and True Scrap. I hope one day you will get the "itch" to scrap again. You never know. From California I am wishing you al the best.

Natalie May

Miss you already <3

Nicola Grice

I am so with you - I run a local scrapbooking crop but haven't actually scrapped myself for about three years now but it was so much fun when the children were little wasn't it! I really enjoyed seeing your prima layouts and doing your online colour class, I also have your book which I discovered on a visit to the States. I am sure you will find another hobby just as satisfying and I look forward to seeing your exploits with that! I have finally taught myself to crochet and am having so much fun with my wool and hooks! Would recommend giving it a go. Enjoy.

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