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July 09, 2013


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Good luck with this journey. Have you looked into coeliac disease? My daughter was diagnosed with this and some of the symptoms sound similar.


As the mother of a Type 1 diabetic I know all about things sugar-free. Most people forget about the hidden sugars in things (like white bread, orange juice etc). I know you're switched on to this but if you think 'LOW GI' it goes hand in hand with sugar-free.

Good luck - will be interesting to see his progress


Good luck Nic and family! Hope the going sugar free helps to improve Jacob's health issue :)


All the best to you all-not fun for a 14 year old to be going through. I will follow with interest and the best of wishes.


I would never have thought blood could have a history. Good luck and all the best to you (do you still hide the chocolate?) and Jacob. I'll be following with interest 'cos I need to give up the white stuff too.

Lisa Henderson

Funny enough, I started a week with no more than 1 tbsp. of sugar each day on Sunday! And my friend and I made the 1 tbsp. rule because its so difficult to get away from these days. I'd love to see some of the recipes you come up with--especially snack ideas!


Hi Nic, there are some great recipes and tips on this site - you have probably seen it, but just incase...http://www.iquitsugar.com/, as well there is another site I get recipes from too - http://www.petite-kitchen.com/...all the best :)

Linda L

Good luck to Jacob. It will be worth it! I accidentally took a sip of my husband's sugared tea this morn - blaaaah - it was so disgustingly sweet. Twelve months ago I thought I couldn't drink tea without sugar now I prefer it. Rotten addictive stuff!

Susan Kopp

Thanks for sharing this and I for one will be extremely interested in this because I struggle with taking weight off and if truth be told I am a sugar addict. Thanks to Jacob for being an inspiration and a shot in the arm for me.


GOOD LUCK!! I know you can do it Jacob and it looks like you could inspire a whole bunch of folks!! Please keep us up on your progress!
I hope your son finds his energy and good health and I hope you get something out of it too Nic!! :D


Go Jacob!!! Good luck with the journey ahead and Jacob you rock I hope in just a short time you will be feeling the benefits of your efforts and then your mum will not be able to keep up with you in the spin class or out running ;-)
Go you Nic for all your Super Mum stuff!


You're such an awesome mom Nic, with a super awesome kid. Did I mention awesome? Here's to it all going easy and smoothly.


I was listening to a podcast that was saying that we eat 10x more sugar than we did 100 years ago. Yikes! It is not only regular sugar, refine sugar but also artificial sweeteners. I never though myself as a carb addict but when I gave it up it took about 3 weeks detox my body from sugar. It took another 3 months to reset my brain. Now, almost 3 years later, 50 lbs lighter, and at almost 50, I feel better than ever. Good luck Nic.

Louise Nakkan

I found this really interesting Nic, I have ben reading so much about this very thing lately. Im super keen to see how you go and if Jacob symptomatically FEELS better and looks better. If you could post links or recipes you discover that would be awesome. Good on you for taking it further to get to the bottom of the problem, a mothers intuition!!Good luck to you both.


Wow thats a BIGGIE. Best of luck!

Kim G

You will all feel better for it Nic, I have cut out sugar (for the most part) for about 3 years now and I love it... It is hard to get your head around it all so if you haven't done it already I highly recommend reading Sweet Poison... David Gillespie is on to something for sure! I hope you see the results you are looking for <3


Good luck with it....we are having to look at it for my son....its the getting your head around what to have. I will be following with interest. :-)


Its amazing how food affects us!! We too took finn off weetbix + milk over 6mths ago and have seen a huge improvement. Its scary to think the government is now giving out free weetbix + milk to nz kids.....I think the days of weetbix kids is going!! Wheat allergies are really high in NZ, along with dairy!! We all have porrigde everyday all year round in this house. Just porrigde, peaches in clear juice (but they still probably have sugar in it in small amounts), coconut oil, blueberries + LSA. I've cut his milk intake too....seeing good results there. Finn now wakes without sneezing 20 times a morning + hardly blows his nose. His mucus picture is almost sorted + his behave has impoved too!! We don't buy packaged food as in stick in the microwave .....we don't even own a microwave!! McDonalds is limited and Im grateful that we dont have one in our town. I dont buy fish and chips anymore.....thats for me as I react so badly to the deep fried food. I think its great what you are doing for Jacob and you will find you will be doing this if your not already!! We live by the 80/20 rule....eat clean for 80% of the time and the other 20% are for when there is a shared lunch at school or going out for dinner. We dont miss out. The more cleaner we eat the more you will react to foods that arent good for us.....hence my reaction to fish and chips now!! Keep up the inspiring journey!! :)


Cutting out sugar (and adding saturated fat) has made a huge difference to the quality our lives. I hope it does the same for you. :)
All the best.

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