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July 13, 2013


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Lynda Bagnall

Go Jacob! Onya dude. Do you have to take that fish oil in the morning? I can't cope with the pills in the morning and take them just before bed then I don't taste them all day. Would it work that way??

Jen Morris

DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT get the fish oil onto any towels or clothes!! We have had to throw out some towels after getting some on ONE towel, which then contaminated the batch in the washing machine. Have tried everything and the smell just won't come out.

Well done, Jacob (and Nic), keep on keeping on and I hope you feel better soon.


so proud of Jacob accepting this!! Glad he is enjoying the food!!

Belinda Basson

My mom swallows her pills with yoghurt as it helps mask the taste. As for the fish oil, how about kippers for breakfast? That way he is having fish anyway?


A couple of tips that may work. If he takes the pills. Keep the pills in the freezer. By the time it the pill thaws out he will not be able to taste it. I have a friend who takes mega doses of fish oil for her Rheumatoid Arthritis (she is only 40 yrs old). I gave her a link to a liquid that is a lot better tasting. the link is http://6063.webpossystem.com/bin/category.asp?category=3 Unfortunately the link is for a company in the U.S. but maybe it is sold there. The Nutritional Weight and Wellness is a company started by a nutritionist in Minnesota. They also have a pod cast. Good Luck Nic


I don't know if you can get it there, but I take Barlean's Omega Swirl Fish Oil in Pina Colada flavour. It is so good, you can't even taste the fish oil.


My boys feel Jacobs pain. Finn + Taidhg both have it every morning. Finn takes it without a moan or a grimace on his face....Taidhg has to have the glass of water ready!! I think its awesome that hes taking it.....cause that stuff stinks + its foul if you get it on your fingers!! Keep up the good work!!


p.s Jacob is welcome to come here any holidays to hang out on our farm!!

Pauline Parker

Have you tried sucking an ice cube before taking the fish oil? It helps with the repeating thing and allows the oil to slide down the throat. It freezes the throat a bit. Worked for me when I was taking fish oil.

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