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July 12, 2013


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My daughter has to deal with all this stuff too although her issue is gluten. It is tough at these times but she has learnt to cope. She is 11, has ASD and reads labels on everything to work out whether it is gluten free or not. At the end of the year, the whole Grade will go to Sizzler's for lunch and she won't be able to go as they have nothing gluten free she will eat. I think it will be hard for the next few years. Love reading about your journey. Take care


Well done Jacob - you will be the one with sustained energy when the others sugar fix runs out. Well done to you and your mum lol!

Susan Kopp

Way to go Jacob!!! You are one tough kid (very wise too)!


You're doing great Jacob....my heart goes out to you though! Keep up the fantastic work.

Neroli F

You have a great boy there Nic - keep up the good work! Love reading about the progress. Would love to whip my kids into shape (eating-wise), mine are just super-fussy - not un-lucky enough to be intolerant of anything. Keep chugging along, am sure it will all be worth it for his health!

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