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April 05, 2013


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*snorts* one day I will learn not to read your blog with a cup of tea in hand, and my computer might just survive a bit longer. Todays tea spiller moment was #family feud..... thanks for giggles!

Jo Baker

Love the Prima video! Sounds like it's been a fun week in your household and the kids have found a way to work off that chocolate overload - go Abby, one day he won't be watching so closely!

Louise Nakkan

Wow, so glad I have registered for Prima Artventure- whoo hoo. Some of my FAVOURITE teachers right there!!! So excited , only 5 1/2 months to go. Im not a big 'class' person, yours at Paprecrafts festival was the first I have done for ages Nic, and despite scrapping for over 15 years Ive never attended a 'retreat' either, so coming to NZ from Oz is soooo exciting for me.Oh and the fam who are tagging along. Awesome Harlem shuffle work right there too Nic, yeh, lets see if we can get that going....

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