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March 27, 2013


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Take shrimps from freezer and start cooking water for pasta!
Lovely card!


Lol, that is funny.
Have a lovely Easter weekend!

Jo Baker

Amazing card as always Nic - don't know where you find the time to do half of what you do with Autumn Escape and Prima Art Venture both racing up on you. Enjoy your time in the sun watching those fish :)


Great post! I am a stay at home mom to a 3yo who goes to playschool a few hours a week. I always wondered how everyone else managed to have their homes together aaaand get some beautiful pieces of art done every so often. Now I know, they don't get it all doen, other things get undone. Just like at my place;-)

p.s. found your blog through a True scrap video on tags, really inspiring!

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