I've had fun with molds, resin, mixed media and trinkets lately. The mixed media and steampunk look is so hot in scrapbooking right now, the metals, trinkets and other bits and pieces might not be incredibly acid free, but as far as creative play is concerned, there is nothing better.
But because I love to experiment, and because I always have to take things one step further, I couldn't resist trying to make my own molds. Now Pinkysil has been around for a while but I was ignoring it. I was hoping not to find another cool thing to add to the list of already cool things I need to try. I have a lot of molds, right? I don't need more. I think I need to make my own, the devil on the shoulder whispers in my ear.
And so I gathered all the supplies - the Pinkysil, the disposable cups, the container (which just happened to be a lid off something) and I created.
And I sat back. Incredibly proud that I'd just made my own 'gears' mold.
And then I started looking around at what else I could make molds of. And I saw this angel wings with heart trinket that I've been sending out in the trinket bags. And I made a mold.
And then I saw a cool decorative bookplate in my bits drawer. And it became a mold.
Although Pinkysil does take a little experimentation (like learning that whatever you place on the bottom of the container has to have a flat surface ), once you get going, you can't stop.
Nothing is safe.
Not even the biscuit jar. (No Cameo Cremes were harmed in the making of this tutorial. No wait. Three cameo cremes were hurt actually. In fact, they are gone. I don't mind the sacrifice in the name of art.)
What I did create was a super cool art deo piece to use in my mixed media art.
If you can't find me I'll be in the bottom of the kids wardrobes (or the pantry) looking around for more stuff to make molds of...