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March 01, 2012


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lovely. i'm joining in. yay!

Kathryn Whittaker

I'm here in the US (in Utah), and it is just a little after midnight. (I figure you are about 20 hours ahead of us, according to the little clock on the side of your blog.) I could take a picture of the clock and say that I am still "Up" at this late hour. Also, you said that it rained in your neck of the woods today. Well, it snowed on us. (I shouldn't complain. It has been an unusually dry winter so far. We could use the moisture for next summer.) :)


Cool pic! I choose a view of Dunners from the top of the carpark building for my 'up' pic. Have thoughts of a mini album for my pics when the month is done.

Jan B

I'm going to try to do this! Here's my photo for today:
The geese are heading north here in central Pennsylvania, USA - a sure sign of spring. Yay!


Grrrrrr!! Dang!! Forgot!!!!!!! Can I cheat???

Maggie Armstrong

If it's any consolation, I would worry all night too if my little girl was on a wet school camp! They start them young at your school don't they? Ours don't go to camp until Yr5 (then it's only 1 night camped on the school field!).

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