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January 26, 2012


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Oh no, look out Nic, you are now in major trouble, say good bye to house work hahah, it is so addictive and so much cool stuff on it, I love it :)

Cindy Fahrbach

Yup. What you said.

Julie Short

And I began to do something with my joining because of you this morning Nic. BUT I think Bronny's comment to you may be true it's like gazing into the biggest sweets shop window. So much to look at, so much to savour and lots of time spent doing it!
AND I am no further ahead than I was at 8:30 with the boring that was top of the too do list today!
But then I am supposed to be enjoying Australia Day aren't I?


Oooh yes..the black hole that is Pinterest...I'm hearing you! Now, if only I could get off it and actually make something!


funny aye, I only just joined last week

Nicola clarke

Hi nic

I have been on there for a few weeks and have made 4 meals that I pinned so feel like it's been productive as well as letting me dream :)


Welcome to Pinterest....pinned some nice stuff off your boards already :D

Misty Willis

I have had many many people tell me to join and I have yet to do so. THIS post today just might change that!!! You are too funny, Nic!!!! I totally enjoy your posts!


That chocolate thing looks divine but probibly doesn't go with the motivation/lose weight pictures! You can spend so much time on there and find things that you need to do around the house because you saw the idea on Pinterest.


Oh be still my beating heart! Pinterest is so incredibly inspiring and I find myself in total awe of the creativity displayed. Thanks for the pin to countrygirlhome. Love her distressed windows. Have you ever browsed potterybarn.com? So inspirational. A visit to one of their stores is on my bucket list. :-) Also, thanks for the info on the Blurb photo books that you sent me a few months back. :-)


Ha, ha, ha! I could spend hours on Pinterest! DANGER!!!!

Lianne Gray

awesome!! :)

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