Who else under-estimated the sun over this past long weekend? October certainly isn't a time I generally worry about sunblock, but 2 days later I'm writing a note in next year's diary. If one suspects the sun is biting, it is - summer sometimes visits early.
Speaking of early, this post isn't. In fact it's late. Which is why we have a Wednesday Wind-down...
I'm hearing a playlist on the iPod called "Abby's HipHop Music" currently playing Taylor Swift, which I suspect wouldn't agree with being included in that genre, but there you go.
I'm seeing Abby dance. Again, taylor Swift and hiphop aren't mixing. I suspect I may soon be listening to FloRider and Chris Brown.
I'm feeling anxious for Friday to hurry up. Friday I jump on a plane with four of the most special people in the world and take off to a tropical island. It's a reward from me, to the kids, for putting up with me being away so much this year. PLUS one of our employees is getting married. Nothing like a beach wedding on a tropical island in 30 degrees.
I'm thankful that I have no more medical appointments before I go. I'm done for now. I have more tests coming up to find some answers but for now, I'm done. Thursday's camera into the lungs was not pleasant. Note to self, do not ask for minimal sedation. Sedation scares me. The unsedated effects of the camera going into my lungs was worse.
I'm happy that my work is winding down for the summer. True Scrap is done (unless you want to view via the recordings) and it was a success. My bloopers video (seen here) surpassed all viewing expectations - ye husband of little faith, you owe me a bag of pineapple lumps for getting past the 23 views you said I'd never reach. Double Take on Big Picture Classes is done and over. It was a fabulous success, I'm hoping to re-run it next year. Next mission? Paint the deck. Not entirely scapbooking related but that is next on the list. That and conquer the 5km road run that has slipped since I've been sick.
I'm wondering how that last bullet point got so long.
I'm feeling inspired. Work is slowing down, I have more time, I just watched 17 classes on True Scrap and my photos are calling. Well, Rarotonga calls me first. Rarotonga, then scrapbook when I return. I'm inspired to tell stories, I'm inspired to play with products, I'm inspired to share more on my blog.
I'm cleaning all the good food out of the pantry for the house-sitter's arrival on Friday and packing my bags. For those that joined me for True Scrap - 350 of you, thank you SO much. For those that were in Double Take with May & I, thank you so much! It's time for a well deserved break.
Laters (speaking of weddings, here is a layout I did for Double Take - it included all the special moments of my brother's wedding in February... gets me all emotional... love summer weddings!)