Why is it when I'm having one of those "I have a lot going on" days, and I rush into the supermarket to buy what seems like 3 months worth of groceries, including eggs, but let me show you those later, that I get stuck walking behind a wander-across-the-aisles-can't-get-past-no-matter-how-hard-I try lady slowly browsing 15 types of everything because she has time?
And when I turn around and rush back down the aisle in the hopes of getting to the end and up the other side before she decides which laundry powder to purchase, she somehow beats me to the end?
Anyway. Enough complaining. It could be worse. I could be an egg. Like these ones I bought today and put in my fridge ready for the kids to find on Sunday (pancake day) when I am away teaching in Melbourne...
So. Tomorrow I'm off to Melbourne, Paul is home with the kids. And the eggs. Shhh don't tell them about the eggs.
When I get back it'll be time for this event to open for registration (we're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!) The SPAWN of True Scrap. The event that has all the fun of a super-monsterous-amazing convention or retreat, but you can do it all from home with everything you need, including the jammies which you can stay in all day. 15 top teachers (I'm included in the line-up again, happy about THAT!) presenting classes and the event includes make n takes and other cool stuff as well. CLick here for info. And the video which tells you a whole lot more than I can tell you on this lil' blog.
(BTW if you purchased True Scrap last time you should have recieved an email from Lain with a super cheapo offer for the Spawn of True Scrap - email her if you didn't get that offer!)
My class is something I love - here is the sneak, full details up soon!
And WELCOME welcome to those of you that have come here from the Big Picture Classes Big Festival! It's my day today! And I leave the country. Don't take it personally, I love that you checked in, leave me a comment and say hi and I'll say hi back at'cha when I get home!
Alrighty. Bags to pack. I'll let you know how the egg thing went next week. In the meanwhile, check out the True Scrap video and I'll leave you with a layout created for the Aussie Scrap Source blog. I tried my very best to have a go at the fabulous amazing style that Finnibair is so well known for. I enjoyed the proccess, but don't know if I'll go there again. It's not quite me,. (journaling is on the tag). It included everything weird and wonderful I could lay my hands on, including the tab from the can of diet coke I was drinking at the time.