I'm an earlybird. I'm out of the house by 5.20am every weekday. It's a different world at that time of the morning. The streets are full of people walking, running, exercising the dog. It's pitch dark, the reflective clothing lights up on the footpaths as I drive past. I wonder sometimes agenda these people have. Why are they out so early? What does their day hold that means they have to be out when it's so dark?
Most people won't realise what driving dangers exist before 5.30am. The 'cone fairies' come out in the cover of darkness and shift roadworks cones around the town. What once was a round-about closed for roadworks suddenly becomes fine to drive through, not really, without cones there to close it, it's a gamble if one should be driving there... with the cones mysteriously shifted 50m down the road where they lie across the road for no reason. Seriously. I play cone dodgems on the way to the gym every morning. it's a scary situation for someone that is barely awake, never mind having to figure out whether the cones are guiding me where they are meant to.
By the time I return home the cones have somehow shuffled back to where they should be, traffic is heavier, people are out and about, and noone is any the wiser to the cone-moving that has gone on during the night.
I might do a layout about the mysterious shuffling road cones. Note to self. Get photo.
I'm scrapping today. I have assignments to do and I've been doing everything but create layouts. I have sorted a humungous amount of product, class supplies, prizes, giveaways and other random stuff for Autumn Escape. I've read a little more about the study I'll start next month. I've paid the bills. I've come to the conclusion that procrastination really is an essential part of the creative process.
While I was not creating anything I was also updating facebook and blog-hopping. While reading Tracie Hudson's blog I was inspired by a few things. Firstly, all the layouts - that lady is a scrapping machine. But secondly, the way she includes a summary of her day within the post. I'm inspired.
The Thursday that showed us Autumn is here:
listening - a playlist my SIL created on my iPod before she went home to London.
feeling - anxious about allowing Jacob to bike to school.
creating - nothing. I'm still in procrastination stages.
wanting - to finish two assignments today.
needing - to finish two assignments today.
thinking - I need to go buy slippers.
enjoying - the small patch of sun next to my desk.
wondering - whether I'll be awake enough in the morning to take pics of the mysteriously shuffled road cones.
Procrastination over. Time to create. I'm in the mood to tap my inner Karola and create something soft and detailed. Kinda like this layout I created for Prima for CHA.