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December 02, 2010


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but its Thursday right? LOL

Dayna Howard

What a stunning photo! Can wait to see how you scrap it!!!


Congratulations to both your boys! :D
And what a beautiful photo of Abby... I can't wait to see it scrapped.

Sophia Allison

Gorgeous pic, cannot wait to see it scrapped...♥


Yay go you brainy kids!!! Well done Jacob and Braden it must have been the trip to Timaru that got your brains going huh?
Awesome photo Abby wow you can jump really high - look out for you on the high jump when they do it at school!

Kim russell

Now friday 3rd, way to go guys, well done and Abby where did you learn to jump like that? Awesome photo.
As for Mr Watties, maybe we can bring you some aussie tom sauce, we have trouble getting it out. LOL

Anita Guthrie

Wow I love that photo! Great color and fabulous capture! Can't wait to see it in a layout.


A belated congrats to the boys and WOW, love that photo of Abby. I'm looking forward to seeing it scrapped - and all your new BG layouts.

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