Ahhh. A new week. I spent the weekend with 10 other ladies at a rented house in Taupo. Drinking. Eating. Socialising. Painting toenails. Scrapbooking. Singing. Laughing. Shopping. Getting unsolicited head massages. Cursing barking dogs in the middle of the night. It was fantastic. Great for the soul. The weekend was too short though. Good times, good times… although it was nice to crawl into my own bed and get some sleep last night, I can’t wait to do it all again sometime
I came home to find Paul had an accident in the car – nice panel damage that will need fixing. An elderly man pulled out in front of him and Paul couldn’t avoid him. All three of my children in the car. Luckily no one was hurt. I’m not sure what upset Paul most though – having to calm three kids down in the backseat of our car or having to help a very elderly and shaken up man out the passenger door of his vehicle because they couldn’t get the driver’s door open. And the amazing thing? The five or six cars that were following Paul and saw it all happen, inched around the accident in the middle of the road and carried on. I just shake my head. I know I would have stopped. So although I’m really glad that everyone is alright, I’m now faced with the whole getting-the-car-fixed thing. And insurance. The kids have some news to tell at news-time at school today though. They were kinda excited about that.
Alright – assignments to do. Washing to fold. News-media conferences to watch. My heart goes out to everyone involved in the Greymouth Mine crisis. Let’s hope all of those men walk out of there. Goodness knows there if the amount of love, hope, prayer and positivity had any bearing on it, that they would. All we can do is keep those thoughts positive.
I know I’m holding my family tight. Things change so quickly, as the weekend’s events have taught me.