A visit to the library. What’s the first mental images you have? Books. Peace and quiet. A stereo-typical librarian gently holding one finger up to her mouth and saying shhhhhh to someone who has raised their voice a little loud. Quiet time.
So the visit I had to the library yesterday. Boy with straw, chewing spit-balls out of paper and shooting them through the library racks. Stop it. Boy running around the racks trying to hide other boys bag by throwing it on top of shelves. Stop it. Boy asking me to help him because he is being hurt by another boy who has him.by.the.nipple. Stop it.
I find a quiet chair. Away from them all. Away from where they congregate after school until their parents care to show up and take them home. Boy in quiet chair next to me, snorting and stopping one step short of spitting it on the floor, Stop it.
Please. Some quiet time. When did kids get so flippin disrespectful of things like library rules?
Books in hand, I leave. I can find quieter time at home. And believe me, my time at home has been way less than quiet lately.
(Thank you oh Creator of all – puberty is a fabulous spanner to throw in the works, just when one is enjoying one’s children, they turn all nasty. In the big scheme of things, was puberty reeeeeally necessary? Couldn’t you have just sent a certificate in the mail to say they were all grown up now? Perhaps a certification course? A 3-day “everything you need to know about being grown up” course? Growing up 101? Anything would have been easier than the attitude we are prevailing with right now, and I believe that it’s just the start of the mighty plan you have for the next 4-5 years…)
I can distract myself.
With stuff for me.
Like GlimmerMist in very cool new colours…
And with making flowers out of paper and new GlimmerMist colours….
And creating layouts with new BasicGrey, for CHA-S which is in a month.
What colour do you think a ‘Puberty’ GlimmerMist would be? Kinda dark. With tiny speckles of hope. Beautiful rainbows of Glimmer that can only be seen when the GlimmerMist bottle agrees to get along with everyone around it.
What do you think?