I've been creating again, ready to add to Abby's album. I'm finding the size quite limiting, but then maybe that's good, she doesn't need anything creatively amazing, she just needs the pictures, the words and the sentiments. I should just go with that!
Today I made a double page. I am jumping all over the place here, but here it is -
Page 8 - Friends make me happy, this is my friend Jessie
Page 9 - The thing we like to do together is play dress-ups.
The background is actually way cooler in real life. I used some pens and stamps and stamped images over and over on a background cream colour. Because I didn't want it to overwhelm the photos and because I wanted the circle embellishment (above) to stand out, I placed vellum, yes vellum, over the stamped cream cardstock background. I used the same stamped background to create the circle embellishment above - as you can see the vellum toned it down a lot. Here's what it looked like before i added the vellum.
And yes - there is the scalloped circle again, there are the leaves again.. you know my motto, if one is loving something, one should do it more often. Note the Cloud 9 raindrops in the closeup, I know you'll be seeing more of those - it'll be leaves, scalloped circles and raindrops you'll be sick of seeing. Also I found this pen (actually Abby found this pen) in my little pen box called a 'Glitter Pen'. (Not the one in the above photo, that's the Stampin' Up! one I use to stamp with ...I just mean I found another pen!) It is by American Crafts and I have no idea where I got it but I LIKE it! lol. You can't see so well in the pics but that little punched flower is glittered.
(Supplies list: Cardstock; Stampin' Up old olive and very vanilla. Friend stamp; Looks like spring set from Stampin Up. Leaves stamp; All natural set from Stampin up. Background stamps; Aged to perfection set from Stampin Up. Punch from Stampin Up. Pen for stamping from Stampin Up. Gem from Kaiser. Raindrops from Cloud 9. Glitter Pen from American Crafts.)
As I mentioned yesterday, I thought we'd do a run down of the basic 18 pages. This is from a post here where it is all explained in much more detail. I'll post it below so those that want to can scroll through. As you can see, I'm about halfway... I'm hoping to fly through it over the next few weeks. I've been getting a few more pages from others in my inbox as well, so check back to the 'Kid's albums by others' gallery in the sidebar.
Right. Back to work. Emails to answer. Pages to create. Pantries to browse. Lunch to make. Chocolate wrappers to hide.
Page 1: Inside cover:
Photo of child holding the same amount of fingers as their age. Title saying "All about me" and "A scrapbook made especially for me by ..." or something similar, and the date. DONE
Page 2: A nice pic of your child. Write "My name is....." and get them to write their name. Write "And I am __________ years old". Get them to write their age. DONE
Page 3: Things I like about myself. I like my ______________ (smile? teeth? feet? curly hair? whatever they say!) Take a pic of that thing or those things for this page. DONE
page 4 & 5: A list of favourites: (There is no photo on my pages with this list but since it goes over 2 pages, there is room for one if you want - add any 'favourites' you see will suit!) DONE
Colour, Food,Ice Cream,biscuits,Song,Book,TV Show, Sport, Hobby, Game, Season, Holiday.
Page 6 "This is a photo of my smile" Take a picture of your child with their best smile. DONE
Page 7"I'm smile like this when ...." Ask your child to finish the sentence and take a pic of them doing that thing. Abby said "When I'm with Jessie playing "Dress-ups". OPPS I need a pic of them playing dressups
Page 8 "Friends make me happy! This is a photograph of me and ________" and take a pic of your child with their fav friend. DONE
PAge 9 "something we like to do together is____________" and take a pic of them playing together. DONE
Page 10 is a picture that your child has drawn. Be sure to ask them what it is, if it isn't too apparent. Record this in a note at the bottom of the page. It's amazing what insight this page gives to their personality at the time.
Page 11 "If I were an animal, I'd be a _______________ " And take a pic of your child acting like that animal. DONE
Page 12 "Someday I want to _____________" Don't take a pic of them, this time you ask them to draw a picture of themselves doing the thing that want to do someday.
Page 13 "If I could go anywhere, I'd go __________ " Again, ask your child to draw a picture. (Awww looking back on Jacob's, he said "home". Braden said "Odette and Gratton's house".
Page 14" I'm happiest when_______________" Take a pic of your child to go with this.
Page 15 "This is a photograph of me with my favourite_____________"
Page 16 "These are my hands. Please remember to handle me with care"
Page 17 "Hands are good for waving hello, helping, holding and for saying I love you. Hands are never good for hitting". On these 2 pages, draw around your childs hands. One on each page.
Page 18. Thankyou for reading my book with me. The end.
And that is the end of the book as it came - I added more pages such as the following:
This is my brother
Our favourite game is
This is a photo of my family