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April 06, 2008


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Another awesome layout and does that mean two months in a row of Aussie scrap source kits hoping so
I managed to get some tash photos today for all about me album she has even drawn two of the pictures more motivated than me - I think i'm waiting to get album to see if it will work maybe like a flip album cos the portrait photos always seem to turn out better I know excuses excuses excuses lol


Oppsidently, that makes me giggle. Nic, your work is always beautiful... I love all the fives! :)
And those kids' albums... my older guy is sick and won't let me take any more pictures right now. Fortunately, I think I have enough pictures to do the next few pages.

Nathalie (brn2scrp)

Love this layout ... great record of cute things said!!! I'd like to know where I can buy a love tree to plant in my back yard ... lol ... hope I don't oppsidently buy a guts tree!!!!!!!!


what a cutie abby is. love your layout too. kaelin had her own language when she was little too. we used to call it "kaelinese" lol i wrote some of them down somewhere, but i have no idea now. it's good to get them recorded to laugh about later. can't wait to see more of your work.


loved your work on Tarisota..........but thats my fav too!!
yep me sad too that daylights saving is over - it means that the kids have to come inside early + I have to talk to them!!.........lol


LOL at the birthday choices... only had miss 6's 'party' 3 weeks ago (& she had it in a full arm plaster) as there were no children around on Jan 29th - her actual birthday.... at least Feb wasn't as long ago as Jan was! ummm I'm actually liking the end of daylight savings... means I'm waking at my usual time which is now earlier... & we aren't 'rushing' to get out the door for school & work :-) love the '5' things!

Jill Geraghty-Groves

Stunning Stunning Stunning layout (as always!)and your photography is to die for!
PMSL at your guts tree - you have to watch out for them you know!


Yup that one is the cats pjs girl....and no I am deinately NOT in Africa....although sometimes it feels that far away!

Super cool



That's so cute...giggling @ oppsidently lol
Lovely to see you & Lucy instore yesterday, sounds like you were having a great day out.




Hey Nic when are you doing stuff for the Big Picture Scrapbooking? I know you talked about it in November of last year. and that was only ummmmm 5mths ago not quite 1/2 a year lol

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