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April 17, 2008


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Hey Nic

try the warehouse. they have heaps of square/rectangle containers. (well they do down in the south) and all you have to do is wait until they have a %off and get them.

or you can eat heaps of chinese takeways, as there containers are great also

Rachel Forrester

Well just let me know if you need us to stop "punching" and start eating chocolates to help you out lol!
That song is just lovley, sad but lovley.
Isnt Abby just so cute - glad she is not growing up to fast. I found goodnight kiwi on u tube the other day and watched that with the kids, they couldn't see the logic in it but it was fun to remember the good ole days!

Alison Shearer

Yep Concrete Angel is a song that makes me cry every time I hear it - I am a bit of an old country song lover - Martina McBride has a fabulous voice.



oh dear that is a shame as I think my Mum just threw some of those containers out! If you need help eating the chocolates feel free to send them my way! so glad Abby isn't growing up to fast, enjoy the young age while it lasts.


thanks for the hugs.
can't help you with the boxes. sorry.
loved that music, thanks for sharing. sad.
i love the stuff that little kids come up with . kaelin used to call her gloves "glubs". precious. remember to write them down so you don't forget when you get old like me! lol


Oh man, your post made me giggle this morning. And it's waaaay too early for me to be laughing out loud in this house. I went to bed early and (surprise!) am now awake at 4:30. Ugh!

Anyway, Abby's a cutie. Very very cute. Blog... and those chocolates, I'm not particularly fond of those ones, but good luck acquiring those containers. 24 free choices. *snicker*


Hmm - I guess I could buy some and send you the box (empty)....


Hey Nic, this post just made me laugh. Last week I went to a StampinUp party (left with a wish list as long as my arm) and one of the other ladies took the hostess a box of FR's. She was so excited - "What a great storage container this will make", she said, "oh and thanks for the chocolates!" I think she must be a kindrid spirit ;-)


I used to have some of those containers to store stuff in a while back...but they were too square and neat for my mess so I threw them out!! LOL!!
Maybe stalk the old peoples' homes after Mother's Day....*wink*


There isn't a disposable plastic ziplock container set that might work..?


I made a little mini book of all the kids' (and adults') funny sayings - it is one of our faves for a laugh. It can be added to as well so it will keep going for a while.
I have one of those choccie boxes too!!! Can't help myself when it comes to boxes.


Your blog is awesome!Have you looked at those Glad plastic containers??I got a pile of Chinese takeaway containers from a party supply shop--not very expensive and you can get several sizes.


Concrete Angel is such a beautiful song.
Glad you like my list of songs too.
Have a great weekend.


Thanks for the hugs, Nic. It will be a very sad day.

On a happier note, I always enjoy your stories and projects!

Hugs, Paris


...and the humor at Cosmo Cricket cracks me up with their hubby panic button. Gotta luv that!

Jill Geraghty-Groves

PMSL at your Ferrero Roche containers - that is just toooooo anal Nic lol! (I TOTALLY understand though!!!!)


Hi Nic - those boxes are nice and clear ... but I ended up throwing mine away as they brake too easily. Especially with little hands mucking about my work (or should I say play) area. I'm sure you will find something that will work for you :-) Even if it does involve consuming mega chocs :-) Cheers Rachel


Just watched the you-tube vid for Concrete Angel - wow is right... am sitting here sniffling as i type. There sure is a strong message there. Sad but awesome all at the same time.


Loved your story about the Bloggy weather. Funny - around our house my daughter tends to experience Froggy weather (she's 8 and I'm yet to correct her), and yet you and I experience Foggy weather. Amazing & fun isn't it.

Love your Blog - the online one not the white stuff.

Heidi Bell

Hey Nic,
just read your post about the containers and couldn't help laughing. The small size jimbo pet food containers are square and clear (if you can get the labels off successfully). Of course cat food doesn't taste as nice as chocolate! I have about a million of them you can have if you don't have a cat.

Heidi Bell

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