We've had a busy weekend. Cub camps, birthday parties at the neighbours, Zoo tycoon II . The later of which amuses me highly - intrigues me even. To the point at which I waited til the kids went to bed last night and despite the pile of tax and employee paperwork overflowing beside the computer, I played Zoo Tycoon for over an hour. Give me a limited amount of money, the resources to build a zoo, the challenge of building one that attracts lots of customers - or not - and keeping them all happy? My kind of game. For me it harps back to the days of Santa Paravia. And yes if you click that link you really can play the same game you played 20 years ago, just like me. Weekends spent fixed in front of the old Commodore 64 computer playing Santa Paravaia against my brothers. A game of skill and challenge. Those were the days.
No Zoo Tycoon for me today. I have scrapping to do and that pile of taxation and employee paperwork beside the computer isn't decreasing at all despite me sending a prayer off to the God of paperwork before I went to bed.
The kids are having a quiet afternoon, Paul is attempting tech homework and I think I might take this quiet time to scrap. I have the next Tarisota kit here and Abby loves the first page of her album so much that the pressure is truly on the complete the rest of the album. NOW. lol
I've been thinking a lot about the album. I think to get into it you really need a full picture of what it contains. I decided I might list the pages and the photos to go with them so that you can go ahead and take all the pics etc at once and then it's easier to go to it. So this is what we are aiming for:
Page 1: Inside cover:
Photo of child holding the same amount of fingers as their age. Title saying "All about me" and "A scrapbook made especially for me by ..." or something similar, and the date.
Page 2: A nice pic of your child. Write "My name is....." and get them to write their name. Write "And I am __________ years old". Get them to write their age.
Page 3: Things I like about myself. I like my ______________ (smile? teeth? feet? curly hair? whatever they say!) Take a pic of that thing or those things for this page.
page 4 & 5: A list of favourites: (There is no photo on my pages with this list but since it goes over 2 pages, there is room for one if you want - add any 'favourites' you see will suit!)
Ice Cream
TV Show
Page 6 "This is a photo of my smile" Take a picture of your child with their best smile.
Page 7"I'm smile like this when ...." Ask your child to finish the sentence and take a pic of them doing that thing. Braden said "When I'm playing with my daddy". Jacob said "When I'm eating tiny teddies"
Abby said "When I'm with Jessie playing "Dress-ups".
Page 8 "Friends make me happy! This is a photograph of me and ________" and take a pic of your child with their fav friend.
PAge 9 "something we like to do together is____________" and take a pic of them playing together.
Page 10 is a picture that your child has drawn. Be sure to ask them what it is, if it isn't too apparent. Record this in a note at the bottom of the page. It's amazing what insight this page gives to their personality at the time.
Page 11 "If I were an animal, I'd be a _______________ " And take a pic of your child acting like that animal.
Page 12 "Someday I want to _____________" (Jacob said "be a builder like my Daddy", Braden said "i want to be a diver"). Don't take a pic of them, this time you ask them to draw a picture of themselves doing the thing that want to do someday.
Page 13 "If I could go anywhere, I'd go __________ " Again, ask your child to draw a picture. (Awww looking back on Jacob's, he said "home". Braden said "Odette and Gratton's house".
Page 14" I'm happiest when_______________" Take a pic of your child to go with this.
Page 15 "This is a photograph of me with my favourite_____________"
Page 16 "These are my hands. Please remember to handle me with care"
Page 17 "Hands are good for waving hello, helping, holding and for saying I love you. Hands are never good for hitting".
On these 2 pages, draw around your childs hands. One on each page.
Page 18. Thankyou for reading my book with me. The end.
And that is the end of the book as it came - I added more pages such as the following:
This is my brother
Our favourite game is
This is a photo of my family
Now my personal plan of completing the pages and posting them on here still stands. Except maybe page 2 and 3 won't be done by today. But perhaps tomorrow. I thought I might aim to post pages twice a week. I'd love if you could keep up with me.
If you have completed pages and don't mind sharing them, please send them through to me. I have set up a photo album in the side bar for my pages, but also one for kid's album pages by others. I've uploaded Chris Millar's title pages in there already. Take a look!
Ok. Things to do. Pages to scrap. Let me know if I can help with your kid's pages, and send through any you have done and don't mind sharing. I'll upload them. After a game of Santa Paravia, that is.